Coaching Service
Our executive coaches work with established and aspiring leaders to help them reach their individual potential, develop their personal resilience and deliver huge benefits for their organisation.
The coaching relationship provides a uniquely empathetic, yet challenging, support structure. Coaching creates a safe space where there no longer remains the need for that ‘game face’ to be maintained. The guaranteed confidentiality that coaching gives is key to unlocking the trust and honesty that overcoming barriers and creating positive changes requires. It helps leaders make sense of the issues they face, to identify options to address them and to develop and implement an action plan. Sessions can be offered as a one off, but are usually most effective where several sessions are scheduled over a set amount of time thus enabling the coaching to be really embedded into every day working practice.
Tailored to requirements
Price on application
St James’s Park, London or In-House
request a call back
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For more information on how we protect and store your submitted data, please see visit our privacy policy.
Registered in England: 07835721. Registered Office: Civil Service College, 25 Queen Anne's Gate, St James's Park, London, SW1H 9BU, United Kingdom