Our Clients

We work across the whole of the public, private and third sector.

While our principal focus is on working with the civil service and wider public sector, our knowledge and experience of the workings of government is attractive to organisations across all sectors in the United Kingdom and to overseas governments and organisations.

In the UK

We work primarily within the Civil Service and across the whole of the wider public service. Our clients range from large government departments to executive agencies and smaller arms' length bodies. Our experience across the wider public sector includes the NHS and local government.

We also work with the Third sector and can help commercial organisations that need a better understanding of the complexities of working with government.


Since its launch, Civil Service College has worked with clients in the public sector and private sector, and with international clients including senior officials from Commonwealth countries - including, India, Anguilla and Antigua - as well as the Chinese, Korean, Bangladeshi, Indonesian and Vietnamese governments.

We are proud to have provided training solutions to a range of organisations...

We provided training solutions to a range of organisations

New Course

The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

Partnering with the Greater London Authority for the Festival of Learning


We were proud to collaborate with the GLA to deliver the Festival of Learning, a dynamic and inspiring event attended by 150 participants.

Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

Training Alerts

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