At Civil Service College, we understand that one-size-fits-all programmes often aren’t the best option when organisations are facing a specific problem, and that crucial, specific training is often needed to help overcome challenges that are specific to that particular organisation or department.
To help address these explicit needs, Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your organisations unique training requirements.
Whether you would like one of our current open programmes to be especially adapted to apply exclusively to your department’s workings and processes or you would like us to develop a new programme entirely to meet your current training needs, Civil Service College will work closely with you to curate a programme that is exactly right for you, to help ensure that you get the best possible results from the training that we deliver.
We recommend that In-House training be delivered to a minimum of six people per group; however rates are charged as a negotiable flat fee rather than per delegate which often makes In-House programmes an incredibly cost-effective method for delivering management-wide training.
In-House and tailored training is a catch-all phrase but generally refers to specific types, such as:
Here you can choose one of our existing open programmes to be run on your premises or a location of your choosing. There is also the option to mix and match between existing programmes, for example spending a morning on oral briefings and the afternoon on written submissions.
Existing open programmes can be completely customised fit your exact organisational requirements. This means you can add your own specific work examples and case studies which makes the learning even more relevant and effective.
You get something just for you, designed from the ground up. Our trainer will incorporate a training needs analysis to completely ensure that you get the exact solution to successfully address the issue you have and the culture within your team or organisation.
Prices for a bespoke service are greatly variable depending on the intervention and are supplied on request.
For more information or to make a booking please contact Andrea Davis on 0208 069 9000 or email ku.gro.egellocecivreslivic@aerdna
The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.
We were proud to collaborate with the GLA to deliver the Festival of Learning, a dynamic and inspiring event attended by 150 participants.
Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.
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Registered in England: 07835721. Registered Office: Civil Service College, 25 Queen Anne's Gate, St James's Park, London, SW1H 9BU, United Kingdom