Investment of Pension Fund Assets and Pension Scheme Governance and Regulation Toolkit
This two-week programme combines:
Pension schemes face a set of complex and often difficult challenges relating to the investment of its assets, emanating from, inter alia, the need to grow the real value of pension funds by generating investment returns on one hand whilst assuring the preservation of members’ capital on the other within often tight regulatory strictures. The sheer size of pension schemes’ assets relative to investment markets creates challenges unique to institutional investors who must carefully manage entry and exits into investment positions. As pension scheme assets globally fall further behind the liabilities that they are intended to fund, and yields continue to fall, the requirement for regulatory reform driven from the “bottom up” under advisement from those responsible for schemes “at the coal face” has increased.
Week one builds delegates’ investment oversight knowledge from first principles by examining the current landscape of pension fund investment and the key tenets of investment analysis – including valuation techniques – and portfolio management theory and practice. The mainstream asset classes in pension fund investment, viz. bonds and equities are covered in detail and the course also provides an introduction to alternative investment classes including Real Estate, Private Equity and Infrastructure and their role in enhancing portfolio diversification and risk-adjusted returns.
Week two focuses on pension scheme governance and regulation, taking delegates through the roles, risks, issues and processes involved in protecting the rights and members of all beneficiaries; the challenges of pensions’ roles in improving financial inclusion; and the different regulatory models and challenges involved in protecting the interests of pension schemes.
On completion, you will be able to:
09:00 - 16:00
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