Business Writing with Impact
At some stage, all managers will be called on to write; this could be anything from a 500-page report or detailed business plan to an email.
These written communications are often used as the basis for critical decision making and can have far reaching consequences. Being able to provide clear, concise and well-thought-out written communications is a highly valuable skill and an important tool for career advancement. Whether short or long, simple or complex, the principles of effective business writing are the same and can be learned.
This highly practical and hands-on course will cover all stages of how to write effectively in the business context. It looks at how to devise a clear plan having identified what needs to be communicated, decide the most effective structure and write sentences that communicate exactly what you want to say without padding or waffle. The programme also covers key points about holding and managing meetings, including note taking.
At the end of the course you will present part of your work to your fellow delegates and receive constructive feedback.
On completion, you will be able to:
This is week one of The Analysis and Reporting Toolkit.
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