Achieving Net Zero: Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change for Boards and Senior Executives


  • 27 - 31 October 2025 - London (£2,850)

Course Outline

With the threat of climate change, governments, organisations and citizens around the world are focusing on what actions they can take to slow the negative impacts of CO2 emissions. Boards and Senior Executives can no longer continue to “externalise” the costs of degradation, pollution and climate change onto others. All stakeholders are now expected to address unsustainable business practices and seek to make a positive environmental impact.

This course will take a deep dive into sustainability and ESG from a global environmental perspective. Participants will explore how to transition to net zero and what opportunities are available for leveraging innovative climate solutions, technological advances and green investments. This will support you to deliver economic benefits whilst protecting the environment.


Course Objectives: 

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand the causes of climate change and environmental degradation
  • Detail the relevant global initiatives and accords including the UN Sustainability Programme,
  • Paris Agreement, COP28 and Net Zero and how these are driving country and organisational target setting
  • Challenge the adequacy and effectiveness of your organisation’s risk governance and management responses
  • Drive your organisation’s ambitions and transition planning and maintain effective oversight of your environmental strategy
  • Confidently engage with stakeholders on your environmental performance and fulfil your organisation’s obligations around environmental and climate reporting


Key Topics

  • Environment and climate change issues, standards and initiatives
  • Climate risk management
  • Measuring emissions, sources of climate data and data assurance
  • Environmental and climate investing and impact assessment
  • Adapting organisational operations towards Net Zero
  • Leading change and communicating the Net Zero ambition and transition plan
  • Environmental compliance and control
  • Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting requirements
  • Technological solutions and innovation

This is week two of The Sustainability, ESG and Net Zero Toolkit for Boards and Senior Executives.



09:00 - 16:00






Face to Face 27 October 2025 Book20

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