ESG, Sustainability and Climate Change for Bank Executives – Transitioning to New Lending Strategies
Banks are now expected to demonstrate how they are managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) related risks through their funding activities. They must also show that they are responding positively to emerging opportunities which adds long-term value, satisfies all stakeholders and contributes to national and international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Investors are increasingly expecting banks to transform their lending strategy and drive their clients’ green transition plans. Only banks that do so will be able to maintain and strengthen their credibility and secure new long-term investment. As their risk management and sustainability strategies become increasingly complex, banks must now work closely with their credit clients to develop strategic approaches to migrating their clients’ business operations to environmentally friendly and lower carbon models. This is now a key imperative.
This course explores the practical steps required to transform bank lending and influence clients’ transition plans. It will also examine climate-related financial disclosure and transparency initiatives and obligations facing banks and their customers.
This course is for bank executives responsible for taking client business forward towards sustainable performance. Potential participants may include:
On completion, you will be able to:
09:00 - 16:00
Face to Face 10 November 2025 Book20
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