Best Practice in Treasury Management

Course Outline

Treasury Management lies at the heart of the financial strategy of all organisations. It brings together the strategic management of cash, investments and debt to enable an organisation to manage and plan its liquidity.

Cash has to be closely managed on a daily basis, but also with regard to longer-term needs in terms of financing capital investment and investing surplus funds. Effective treasury management is vital in ensuring that the organisation has the cash resources it needs when it needs them, while managing risk, minimising the cost of debt and optimising the returns on investment.

Expertise in this area is required by every public and private sector organisation. It is vital that investments are managed within a Treasury Management strategy that is integrated with overall national economic policy.


Course Objectives:

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Develop an outline Treasury Management strategy and key associated policies
  • Manage risk and performance, cash flow management and modelling
  • Understand key borrowing and investing instruments and their risks and benefits
  • Appreciate the key Treasury implications of International Accounting Standards
  • Monitor and report on Treasury Management



  • Treasury Management strategy, reporting and performance measures
  • Financial risk management tools and techniques
  • Cash flow management and modelling
  • Investments and borrowing – short, medium and long term
  • Proactive management of the debt portfolio and refinancing
  • Counter-fraud measures
  • Capital markets development, liquidity, sovereign debt and sustainability


This is week one of The Treasury and Debt Management Toolkit.



09:00 - 16:00


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