Public Debt Management: Issues and Solutions
As the global economy comes to terms with the impact of the global financial crash, the threat of a new debt crisis has taken centre stage. This is compounded by the fact that borrowing has rapidly increased as countries seek to boost investment in infrastructure to support their objectives under the Sustainable Development Goals.
New borrowing sources include Eurobonds and emerging creditors such as China. Analysts have warned that global debt has reached an “all time high” as more countries than ever are in danger of slipping into a major debt crisis. Governments need to address these challenges in order to manage costs and risks within a sound macro and fiscal framework.
This course will take participants through the fundamental principles of public debt management, taking current developments into account, and will explore the latest tools to manage their debt portfolios effectively.
On completion, you will be able to:
This is week one of The Public Debt and Loan Negotiation and Evaluation Toolkit and week two of the The Treasury and Debt Management Toolkit.
09:00 - 16:00
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Face to Face 17 November 2025 Book20
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