Ensuring Employee Health and Wellbeing as an HR Leader
For several decades we have been able to prove there is a link between wellbeing, engagement and performance. Employers have seen the benefits of having health and wellbeing on the HR agenda, and organisations have reaped the rewards of high-performing employees.
In the modern world however, there is increasing pressure on people’s work and personal lives. Recent surveys indicate rising numbers of employees reporting increased levels of stress and anxiety in the workplace, which have been compounded by financial and health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, wellbeing is now a high priority for HR Leaders.
This five-day course examines the essence of wellbeing, focusing on the ‘pillars’ developed by the Reward and Employee Benefits Association. The impact of job design, culture and recruitment, along with the recognition and reward processes employees are subject to, will be explored to gauge their impact on wellbeing. The course will also look at a broad range of initiatives that can be developed to improve the health and wellbeing of all employees within your organisation.
On completion, you will be able to:
09:00 - 16:00
Face to Face 20 October 2025 Book20
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