Despatches Vol. 1

Read our first issue of Despatches Vol.1 – download the PDF below.


  • "Delivery, delivery, delivery" by Roger Mendonca, Director of Studies for Civil Service College 
  • "Boards should also take account of changing public and
  • Parliamentary expectations, especially in times of austerity" by Brian Whalley OBE MA ACME CGMA, Former Senior Civil Servant
  • "Reform Management: Planning & Implementation" by Rt Hon the Baroness Scotland of Asthal QC
  • "Business Etiquette in China: Dos and Don'ts"
Despatches Volume 1

Training Catalogue

Complete Training Catalogue
Jan - Dec 2024

New Course

Dan has created this training programme to help empower you with practical strategies for creating connections with others, redefining masculinity, developing daily habits to maintain mental health

Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

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