Change Management: Implementation and People Management

Course Outline

Once a change project has been decided upon, there are many challenges involved in overseeing its implementation, including conflicting stakeholder interests and other environmental pressures.

To ensure the project’s success, it is important to have an agile planning process that is responsive to the needs of different stakeholders and to engage with individuals and teams in a way that enables high performance.

This training programme will support you to develop the skills needed to implement change and manage people through the process. It explores how organisations can develop plans to monitor and control progress, how to anticipate and deal with the many people issues that arise in the implementation phase, and how to deliver the benefits of the change project.


Course Objectives: 

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Develop agile and responsive project plans
  • Recognise, engage and manage individuals who are key stakeholders in the change project 
  • Improve relationships and facilitate conflict using emotional intelligence
  • Facilitate the development of high performing project teams 
  • Recognise individual needs and adapt leadership behaviour accordingly
  • Ensure effective performance management processes and the exchange of constructive feedback 
  • Embed and evaluate the impacts of change projects


Key Topics

  • Developing plans and schedules
  • Monitoring progress
  • Responses to change
  • Team dynamics and high performing teams
  • Conflict management
  • Leading with emotional intelligence
  • Motivation and influence
  • Performance management
  • Coaching and constructive feedback
  • Tracking, assessing and realising benefits
  • Making ‘change stick’

This is week two of The Strategic Change Management Toolkit.



09:00 - 17:00


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