Change Management: Planning and Leading Transformational Change
In a volatile and uncertain world, organisations, governments and donors often demand change. However, many resulting programmes falter and struggle to deliver the change needed.
Leaders often face key challenges in determining priorities and engaging people, so any change is workable and sustainable. Those responsible for change therefore have to find and develop new ways of leading, thinking and behaving.
This training programme will assist you to develop skills for transformation, enabling you to manage yourself and lead your team and organisation through change. It explores some creative approaches to problem-solving and change management that are needed in an increasingly complex and uncertain world.
This programme is highly practical and interactive. It will use real-world scenarios and enable delegates to share experiences and practice the skills that will enable them to plan and lead change projects, resulting in improved relationships, higher performing teams and organisational cultures that are effective in supporting change.
On completion, you will be able to:
This is week one of The Strategic Change Management Toolkit.
09:00 - 16:00
Face to Face 3 November 2025 Book20
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