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PM sets out tough new anti-terror measures in response to heightened threat

Sunday 31 August 2014

David Cameron and Nick Clegg have agreed to a toughening of anti-terror measures. The Prime Minister will address the House of Commons...

Tory MP Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP and forces by-election

Thursday 28 August 2014

Conservative MP, Douglas Carswell has defected to UKIP and quit as MP for Clacton. He has said he will be supporting Nigel Farage's...

Women underrepresented at all levels in British politics

Thursday 28 August 2014

Once ranking 33rd in global league table of female representation, Britain has dropped to 62nd position by 2010 and continued to drop to a dramatic...

Foreign Office spends £92,000 on Twitter classes

Tuesday 26 August 2014

In reponse to a FOI request, it was released that the FCO has spent about £92,000 since 2010 on training courses on using social media...

Spain and Belgium 'would veto an independent Scotland's EU membership'

Monday 25 August 2014

A former president of the EU's finance council has predicted that both Spain and Belgium would block an independent Scotland's application...

We will not enter into a 'poisonous' alliance with Assad

Friday 22 August 2014

The Foreign Secretary has said, Britian will not enter into a "poisonous" alliance with Syria in its fight against Islamic State forces.

Conservatives are selecting fewer women in winnable seats than in 2010

Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Conservatives are selecting fewer female candidates in winnable seats than the party did at the election in 2010, undermining attempts by David...

UK taxpayer faces £220m bill over e-borders contract termination

Tuesday 19 August 2014

A tribunal that ruled a government contract awarded to US defence firm to deliver e-borders programme was unlawfully terminated.

Regulated rail fares to increase by 3.5% in 2015

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Regulated rail fares will rise by 3.5% from January next year, following the release of July's inflation figures.

One month to go: Poll bump gives Salmond hope for Scottish independence

Monday 18 August 2014

The campaign for Scottish independence referendum is now in its last month before the vote. Two polls showed a boost in support for the 'Yes' camp.

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The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

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