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Civil Service College acquires Cyber Essentials Security Certification

Written by Yazad Bhumgara

Marketing Assistant


We are delighted to announce that as of 17th May 2021 we have been awarded the Cyber Essentials certification.


The Cyber Essentials certification is backed by the UK Government and ensures that the steps we have taken to protect our data from cyber attacks are suitable.


Upon receiving the certification, Operations Director, Christopher Ng commented:


I am incredibly proud of the team for the dedication, speed and efficiency with which each employee completed what was asked of them.

The team’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn ensured we were able to acquire the certification and continue to work closely with our clients.


We work closely with the UK central government departments, the NHS and the wider public sector, as well as international governments. We provide training to help civil and public servants to enhance their skills.


We believed that acquiring Cyber Essentials certification was important for us to assure our clients that we take data protection seriously. Our clients will be asked to provide personal data such as an email address or a telephone number as a means of communication, from the moment an enquiry is made until the follow-up survey is sent out once the course has been completed.


Over the last year, we have delivered virtual training to our clients through the use of software such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. The usage of these applications is approved by the National Cyber Security Centre. Our status ensures that all data on our network is safe, ensuring that training is private and secure from our end. This means clients can fully engage in the training without fear that any personal experiences shared will be at risk from phishing attacks. We hope this provides assurance to our clients and ensures you are willing to engage with our virtual training courses.


In accordance with GDPR, we will keep all personal data provided by our clients for a period of up to two years. We hope our acquirement of this certification provides peace of mind to current and future clients that your personal data will be safe with us.


We look forward to having the opportunity to meet any of your training needs in the future.  


Our current Cyber Essentials status will remain in effect until May 2022.

Training Catalogue

Complete Training Catalogue
Jan - Dec 2024

New Course

The training aims to help civil servants in ALB sponsorship/partnership roles to gain a deeper insight into the governance and financial management arrangements with which ALBs are expected to comply.

Tailored in-house training

Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

Training Alerts

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