While education systems, learning platforms and training providers around the world have changed 360 degrees, due to the enforcement of social distancing measures. We can already see some of the negative impacts and what can already be expected;
• Fewer opportunities for learning at home
• Lack of motivation to self-develop
• Limited learning outcomes
• Decreased resilience and increased work pressure
• More conscious decisions on spending
All these elements may cause a further loss in capital and will reduce economic opportunities if we do not support each other. It is crucial that we must all PLAN, PREPARE, COPE and RECOVER!
This gives all training providers the opportunity to explore courses through technology interventions for distance learning and to transform business cultures around the globe digitally, as we all move to online and remote learning.
In these uncertain times of change, many senior civil servants and government departments need to adapt and be equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills to prepare for what lies ahead. This is where some of our expert trainers can teach in areas of government finance, policymaking, digital transformation, strategic management and more.
We also have professional development skills such as dealing with pressure and building resilience to combat this stressful period of the impact of Covid-19. We must prepare ourselves ready for a better future and start thinking ahead now rather than later, so we can put our knowledge and learning outcomes into action.