Introduction to Audit & Risk Assurance Committees

“Pre-course questionnaire is helpful to identify and manage expectations.”

Legal Services Board

Introduction to Audit and Risk Assurance Committees is from our Accountability & Governance series. The course is set very firmly in the central government context, and reference will be made to the current guidance on governance and financial management arrangements that apply to government departments, non-ministerial departments, NDPBs and public corporations. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the role of the Committee, covering the areas on which the committee should focus governance arrangements, risk management, internal control, and financial reporting.

Introduction to Audit and Risk Assurance Committees is from our Accountability & Governance series. At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each attendee’s role and organisation, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible. 

Key Training Features

Who Can Attend

Learning Outcomes


Key Training Features:

  • Key governance role played by the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee in government departments, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and other arm’s length public bodies.
  • The role of the NAO and Public Accounts Committee, the role of HM Treasury, Managing Public Money, and the role of the Accounting Officer
  • The concepts of regularity propriety, value for money and feasibility.
  • The committee’s role in relation to the management of risk, internal control, governance arrangements and financial reporting
  • Current guidance available to committees on management of risk, cyber security, internal audit standards, the annual report and accounts and the governance statement.

Who Can Attend:

This course is suitable for public body non-executives from all UK jurisdictions who are members of an Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and also executives who collaborate with and supporting the work of the Committee. It is particularly relevant for those joining a public sector ARAC with limited experience of government to help understand the public sector governance, risk, control and accountability frameworks.

Pre - Requisites

Practical involvement with the work of an ARAC either as a committee member or someone who supports, reports to or attends the committee’s meetings

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the functions performed by an ARAC and the roles and responsibilities of the members and chair. This will help to enhance their confidence as members of ARACs and thus improve the performance of the Committees as a whole




10:00 - 16:00


£650 + VAT


Civil Service College, Westminster, London


Virtual 20 May 2025 Book1

Face to Face 21 October 2025 Book8

In-House Option

This course is available In-House and can be tailored to meet your individual training requirements.


Lead Trainer

Mark Ripley

Mark Ripley

Mark has extensive experience in governance, risk management and internal audit across central government departments and private sector organisations. Throughout his career, he has embedded the highest standards and driven improvements to increase performance, promote value for money and maintain trust through transparency.

Read Bio
Mark Ripley

Mark Ripley

Mark was the Director, Risk and Assurance at the Ministry of Justice, a Director in the Government Internal Audit Agency, the Group Chief Internal Auditor for the Department for Work and Pensions and the Head of the European Social Fund Audit Authority. As a Director in HM Treasury’s Government Finance Function, he led on risk and assurance across central government, advising the Civil Service Board and updating the government’s Risk Management standard (The Orange Book).

Mark is a Chartered Management Accountant – Fellow (FCMA) and a Follow of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (FCIIA).

Non-executive Board Member, MMO

Non-executive Board Members of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have collective responsibility for the strategic direction and overall performance of the organisation, ensuring that it is properly and effectively managed and providing stewardship for the public funds entrusted to it.

"Pleased with content and structure of delivery and the size of group was good."

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

"I was very impressed with the research the trainer had done on our individual organisations - made the day much more relevant."

Human Tissue Authority

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Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.

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