Conscious Inclusion
Everyone has an unconscious bias and is prone to stereotype based on past experience. This is a normal human characteristic. As managers we should be aware of how our unconscious biases can impact the decisions, we make about who we hire, how we manage and interact with people and who we develop and promote.
This course will help you to recognise unconscious bias moments and turn them into positive conscious thoughts and actions leading to better people management decisions.
Unconscious Bias: Exploring Unconscious Bias in People Management is an online course within our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion series. At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each attendee’s role and organisations, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible.
Civil Service College Bookstore
Managers who have people management responsibilities, particularly those who hire on a regular basis; are asked to assess those with high potential and make decisions on promotion.
10:00 - 16:00
Available to be delivered In-House. Contact us for a quotation.
Face to face or virtual
Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.
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Registered in England: 07835721. Registered Office: Civil Service College, 25 Queen Anne's Gate, St James's Park, London, SW1H 9BU, United Kingdom