The Legislation Process: From policy development to an act
“Excellent course, very informative about the bill process, the importance of committees and the extra elements of parliament.”
Intergovernmental Relations Advisor, Scottish Parliament
Turning a policy into legislation takes many stakeholders to work effectively together. Getting an agreement for policies in Whitehall can be difficult, but getting an agreement in the Commons and Lords can be even harder.
This training course will illustrate, through case studies and examples, how policy is worked through into draft legislation and the key stages that take place both in Whitehall and Parliament.
'The Legislation Process: From policy development to an act' is from our Policy Skills series. At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each participant’s role and organisations, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible.
Civil Service College Bookstore
Participants who want to know more about the policy and Bill process and parliamentary procedures.
Participants will leave with a comprehensive understanding of what the legislation processes involves, enabling them to work effectively with other key players.
10:00 - 16:00
Available to be delivered In-House. Contact us for a quotation.
Face to face or virtual
Civil Service College can deliver In-House training within your organisation that is exactly tailored to meet your individual training requirements.
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Registered in England: 07835721. Registered Office: Civil Service College, 25 Queen Anne's Gate, St James's Park, London, SW1H 9BU, United Kingdom